Stöd till Ukraina
Clusters of Sweden stand united
in support of Ukraine

How You Can Help Now
Our strength is our network. By pooling resources from our 19 clusters (representing 1500 member organisations across Sweden), we are able to quickly identify and put in place concrete efforts that provide direct humanitarian and economic aid to the people of Ukraine. We now urge our network to help Ukraine by hiring Ukrainian talent and/or doing business with organisations located in Ukraine.
Note: Within the framework of a national Vinnova-funded project, Swedish Science Parks have the opportunity to create a matchmaking function to match Ukrainian talents to jobs at Swedish companies and businesses. Register now!
Note: The Supply Chain platform has a broader focus than specifically supporting Ukrainian companies. However, companies/organizations can direct their request or offer specifically towards Ukraine – and we urge you to do so.

Support Forum for Clusters
The EU Clusters Support Forum has been established to enhance the ability of European industry to contribute to the delivery of humanitarian aid for Ukraine and to support Ukrainian refugees in Member State countries.
Forum Resources
- Share information
- Register offers of assistance
- Request assistance
- Propose collaborations
- Coordinate urgent aid

Kontakta oss
Mårtenstorget 10A
223 51 Lund, Sverige
+46 (0) 76 335 62 90