


Part 1. Orientation in the Swedish cluster landscape, summary of analysis, conclusion and recommendations for next steps.

Part 2. In-depth account of interviews with cluster leaders and cluster experts from Europe.

Report language: Swedish

Successful Cluster Collaboration

A report by Clusters of Sweden

What is the role of Swedish clusters in Europe’s development towards an increasingly digitalised and sustainable society? And how can Europe’s clusters work together for a common future? 

The need for cooperation and a common vision for Europe is greater than ever, and we are facing a historic transformation. Europe’s clusters have a major role to play in this transformation.

With this report, we want to increase knowledge about the role of clusters in societal development and offer tools for the societal actors that drive it – bringing a broader perspective and helping cluster organisations to define and shape their role and direction.

Published by: Clusters of Sweden (2022), with support from Tillväxtverket (The Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth) and The European Regional Development Fund.


Part 1. Context: Economic profile of Sweden and Swedish innovation ecosystem

Part 2. Turn your project idea into practice: Public funding instruments for innovation and private funds for innovative business

Report language: English

Conditions for innovation in Sweden

C2Lab Input Paper

A report by the European Cluster Collaboration Platform

In preparation for C2Lab in Lund, Sweden – hosted in March 2023 – the European Cluster Collaboration Platform (ECCP) prepared an input paper outlining:

  • The economic profile of Sweden
  • The Swedish innovation ecosystem
  • Public funding instruments for innovation
  • Private funds for innovative business

Published by: The European Cluster Collaboration Platform (2023), an initiative of the European Union.


Part 1. Context: Economic profile of the Skåne and South Sweden region

Part 2. Clusters in Skåne: Importance for regional economic development; Cross-border cooperation through clusters; Smart specialisation

Report language: English

Clusters as boosters of innovation in industrial ecosystems

The Case of Skåne in Sweden

A report by the European Cluster Collaboration Platform

In preparation for Clusters meet Regions in Skåne, Sweden – hosted in June 2023 – the European Cluster Collaboration Platform (ECCP) prepared an input paper outlining:

  • The economic profile of the Skåne and South Sweden region
  • Clusters in Skåne and their importance for regional economic development
  • Cross-border cooperation and the involvement of Skåne clusters in European networks and support initiatives
  • Smart Specialisation in the Skåne region

Published by: The European Cluster Collaboration Platform (2023), an initiative of the European Union.

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223 51 Lund, Sweden


+46 (0) 76 335 62 90




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