
Project duration: 2022-05-15 – 2023-01-15
Project partners: Mobile Heights, Packbridge, IUC Syd, Smart Textiles, Media Evolution, Interior Cluster Sweden, Future Position X, Sustainable Business Hub, IoT World
Project financing: Vinnova (Sweden’s Innovation Agency)
Contact: Carolina Garcés – carolina.garces(at)mobileheights.org

Project: CoSWE Triple I
Supporting the internationalisation of SMEs by increasing synergies between regional, national and international innovation systems
Through the project “CoSWE Triple I”, Clusters of Sweden and its members developed approaches, methods, and tools that enabled cluster organisations to leverage regional, national, and international resources to support the internationalisation of SMEs.
The project was a result of the cooperation between 9 cluster organisations from diverse industries and geographical locations across entire Sweden, working in close collaboration with:
- Vinnova (Sweden’s Innovation Agency)
- Tillväxtverket (The Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth)
- Swedish Institute
- Business Sweden
- Enterprise Europe Network
The efforts were linked directly to the government mandate to develop working methods and processes for increasing synergies between regional, national, and international innovation efforts.
Engaging Swedish companies
Throughout the project, Swedish companies were able to participate in pilots designed to test the internationalisation processes, methods, and tools.
These processes, methods, and tools have been designed to be widely disseminated and scalable in the future. Would you like to try them or learn more? Please contact Carolina Garcés: carolina.garces(at)mobileheights.org

Contact us
Mårtenstorget 10A
223 51 Lund, Sweden
+46 (0) 76 335 62 90