Action Plan for SMEs

Project website: https://cafein-project.eu/
Project duration: 2022-06-01 – 2024-05-31
Project partners: Clusters of Sweden, AFPC (Association française des pôles de compétitivité), Confindustria Emilia Area Centro, Federación Nacional de Agrupaciones de Empresas Innovadoras y Clusters, and Klastry Polskie, in cooperation with European Clusters Alliance
Project financing: European Union
Funding advisory board: Vinnova (Sweden’s Innovation Agency), Tillväxtverket (The Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth), Bpi France, Invitalia, Ministerio de Industria, Comercio y Turismo, Centrum Rozwoju Małych i Średnich Przedsiębiorstw
Contact: Lars Persson Skandevall – lars.skandevall(at)broninnovation.se

Project: CAFEIN
We are defining, designing and adopting an inclusive and cross-border joint action plan to support the green industrial transition for European SMEs
In accordance with the goals of making Europe climate neutral by 2050, national cluster associations are acting as facilitators and innovation ecosystem experts for national funding agencies (the final adopters of the joint action plan).
Throughout the project, clusters will engage and connect all stakeholders of the quadruple helix: public authorities, start-ups, SMEs, large companies, investors, research and innovation actors, academia, incubators, and business service providers. Citizens will also be included.
The bottom-up approach through clusters will support national funding agencies in approving a joint action plan to foster circular economy approaches, resource efficiency, and resilience – building European industrial value chains.
As a consortium partner of the CAFEIN project, Clusters of Sweden is responsible for building the joint action programme. This includes:
- Defining the 5-year programme
- Investigating EU Replicability
- Establishing synergies with EU and national funding programmes
- Mapping co-funding opportunities for implementation of the joint action plan
Engaging SMEs and cluster leaders
How can we improve the support that companies get from clusters and the innovation system in Europe? We’d love to hear you thoughts!
→ Participate in the CAFEIN survey here

Contact us
Mårtenstorget 10A
223 51 Lund, Sweden
+46 (0) 76 335 62 90