We support Swedish
cluster organisations and innovation networks

From North to South
Clusters of Sweden was established to highlight and channel interests, needs and opportunities of Swedish cluster organisations.
We are backed by clusters from diverse industries and geographical locations across entire Sweden, and work together to support cluster development, collaboration, policy and internationalisation.
Cluster Development
Offering support, training and services that help cluster management teams successfully evolve their clusters.
Cluster Collaboration
A national ecosystem for knowledge sharing, best practices and cooperation in joint cluster initiatives and projects.
Cluster Policy & Financing
Advocating for cluster matters, regulatory frameworks and financial affairs in policy forums.
Cluster Internationalisation
A common link to and from Sweden for intercluster cooperation at Nordic, European and international levels.

From Sweden to the World
We are the voice of Swedish clusters in international cluster networks.
Some of the networks we are active members in include TCI Network, European Cluster Collaboration Platform (ECCP), and European Clusters Alliance.

How cluster organisations
make a difference
Cluster organisations offer a natural and neutral bridge between policy makers, businesses, academia, support systems and industry.
With an emphasis on building relationships and networks, cluster organisations are key agents in nurturing European innovation ecosystems.
We do this by channelling specialised business support services that stimulate innovation activities – and growth of our competitiveness and economy.

Are you a Swedish cluster organisation?
Join Clusters of Sweden!
Become a Member
Shared Interests
- Grow Your Cluster Network
- Training and Education
- Apply for Joint Projects
- Share Best Practices
- Certification Support
A Common Voice
- National Policy Making
- European Cluster Initiatives
- International Alliances
- International Projects
- Cluster Development Goals

Clusters of Sweden arrange various inspiration seminars and matchmaking events

Founding Partners

Contact us
Mårtenstorget 10A
223 51 Lund, Sweden
+46 (0) 76 335 62 90